Hey! I'm Adilson Matiuci I'm a Web Designer and Photographer, I spent my last job in Brazil writing for the newspaper O DIARIO in Maringá and also as a teacher at the technical school Sergio Yamada Computing with Photoshop Expert and Graphic Design. I am currently working and focused on finalizing the MATTERPORT TECHNICIAN in the area of 360º Web Photos Videos,
Ecommerce 360º products and own photographer. Here in England we have the opportunity to study and work, nothing here is easy, always depending on the focus of the initiative and a lot of study to achieve the desired focus. I am a Christian and I have two focuses here, proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus as a mission and finalizing the MATTERPORT TECNICO and the focus is obtaining an excellent portfolio for future work in the areas already mentioned. I publicly express my gratitude to God and my Family for helping me in this place so far away from Brazil, but at the same time connected here with the Brazilian community, relating us through friendships, brotherhood in the Church, this is very important because with God you already suffer here, imagine without it. Thank you also for the people who believed in my potential. God bless you all !